Gotcha Osama

The Core Belief

Gotcha fucker.  Enjoy the Ninth Circle of Hell.  Satan’s been looking for a new head to munch on for a few hundred years now.

Quick Note #1 – to the President, Congress, Republicans and Democrats in Washington DC: this fight is far from over.  Finish it right.  (Fixing the economy and lowering gas prices would help as well.)

Quick Note #2 – to all those fair weather flag waves on both the left and right: yes today is a great day to be an American.  But it’s always a great day to be an American.  We may fuck up a lot but where would you rather live: Mauritania, France, China or the US?  Let’s try to keep the blind patriotism and/or vilification of the country down to a minimum in the next few weeks please.

Otherwise, raise a glass gang and toast to those we’ve lost in the past decade and those brave folks who defend our freedom and, well, ok – even to Rudy Giuliani.  He was a good mayor for a few months in 2001.



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