The Magic Bullet Theory – My First Play – Premiers Saturday!

The Con

There are several mysteries which continually fascinate the human mind: the true meaning of the lyrics to Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, the location of the Lost Tribes of Israel, where does that one sock go before I open the dryer and who assassinated President Kennedy on November 22, 1963.

John Lennon and G-d aren’t talking and the ISS (International Sock Syndicate) left a blood stained white sock I wore last week in my bed. So dear reader, you must draw your own conclusions on those three issues. However, The Sacred Fools Theatre Company can offer some guidance as to the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

This Saturday, November 20, 2010, the stage adaptation of the Zola System blog The Magic Bullet Theory opens at the Sacred Fools Theatre in Los Angeles. The play, brought to you from the twisted minds of Terry Tocantins and Alex Zola, answers not only the who but the why. (I don’t know was not allowed to leave his position at 3rd.)

Part of the late Saturday night Serial Killer series, The Magic Bullet Theory will be sharing the stage with four other shorts. The audience will vote to see which three of the plays they would like to more of. That’s right gang, five come in and three live to see another day.

Come on down and find out:

*Who fired the headshot!

*Was Woody Harrelson’s father really involved?

*How the Warren Commission came up with the Magic Bullet Theory!

*How aliens brainwashed Oliver Stone into making JFK and growing a Tin Horn Dictators mustache! (Well maybe not. After all, no one really gets Oliver Stone anyway.)

Tickets are $7 at the box office (no internet sales.) Doors open at 11pm. Cheap beverages are available.

The Magic Bullet Theory – by Terry Tocantins and Alex Zola

Part of the Serial Killers – presented by the Sacred Fools Theatre Company

Sacred Fools Theatre

660 N. Heliotrope Dr.

Los Angeles, CA 90004

Saturday 11/20/10

For directions please visit

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