The Tragically Hip Invent Guerilla Theatre

The First Essential Scary Truth

The lovely thing about the current crop of the tragically hip is the utter lack of historical perspective. It’s as if they all failed Early American history because they had no idea who George Washington was. However, thanks to the Internet, this clueless generation has a PR firm working for them – Urban

Here is today’s e-mail from Urban Daddy:

Trespass Theatre: Like Broadway, But Illegal

You’ve never let the law get in the way of a good time.

And if that means getting kidnapped and engaging in a second-degree misdemeanor in the name of art, well…

Welcome to trespass theater. Think of it as so far off Broadway that it potentially violates state law.

It’s simple enough: at 1pm this Friday, you’ll buy an online ticket to a theatrical performance called The Sweet Cheat. You’ll receive a meeting location in Manhattan for a following weekend, where you’ll board a bus to the “theater.” But the destination of this bus is unknown to all except the driver, and the theater is a massive, forbidden building, a genuine historical ruin, 30 minutes out of town.

The actual play is a pulpy NYC tale of explosions and drugs. There are no seats, and sets are constructed throughout the ruin. As the story progresses, you’ll follow the cast of professional actors from room to room, none of which you are supposed to be in.

So, yes, it’s a tad illicit. But let’s be honest—that’s one of the best reasons to go to the theater. And this is one thrill you’re just not going to get at The Lion King. Yet be warned: there is no leaving this party early. There’s only one bus back to the city, after the play concludes. You’ll want to bring a flask and find the right open-minded, misdemeanor-friendly date for this one.

Just make sure neither of you has any outstanding warrants.

It appears the Tragic Hipsters have discovered, pardon me, invented Guerilla Theatre. How 17th Century of them.

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