What’s in your fridge?

The Con


The most personal place in any house is the fridge.  What you may or may not have in the icebox speaks volumes about lifestyle, likes, dislikes and who is living in a home.


Zola System reader/contributor janethegreat suggested asking chefs I worked with what they had in their refrigerators.  What a great idea, I thought.  So I came up with three questions: What do you have in your fridge?  What do would you like to have in your fridge and what should everyone have in their fridge? I posed these questions to David Burke and Mario Batalli, two of the celebrity chefs I have worked for/with.  David and Mario didn’t get back to me.  They are too busy being culinary institutions.


It occurred to me that these guys are NEVER home and probably don’t go near their personal kitchens anyway.  However, what you and I have in our fridges in probably far more enlightening.  So I posed the same three questions to janethegreat.  Her answers did not disappoint.


What do you have in your fridge?


I’ll tell you right now in addition to the rat-antibiotics and basic proteins/veggies, we have: bottles of Lillet, Roederer champagne, chardonnay, Jerez sherry, and a 6-pack of Long Trail Ale from VT. We also have an assortment of juice boxes, Go-Gurt tubes, string cheese, PB&J, and whole wheat bread. Throw in a jar of harissa, fresh ginger root, fish sauce, chorizo, and a dubious batch of home-made preserved lemons. Also some T-Rex size, frozen beef shank bones for the dog. The refrigerator tells the tale of animal-loving parents who recently came back from a vacation in and have a penchant for international flavors and (probably too much) booze.  


What would you like to have in your fridge?


In addition to what is in there now, a Good bottle of champagne, Lemon grass and a ham slice from a freshly slaughtered pig.


What should everyone have in their fridge?


(This answer will be posted in a separate blog.  Not because janethegreat has yet to answer but because your occasionally intrepid blogger lost her answers and she is recreating them.  Above and beyond the call of duty, if you ask me!)


Send me your answers and I will post them.  Two Zola System readers have already sent me their answers.  Will you be next?







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