Random Thoughts For the Ides of March

Some Random Notes This Second Friday the 14th in 2009

*There are three Friday the 13th’s in the 2009 calendar year.  November will be the next time those with a superstitious can expect a black cat to cross their path.

*Earlier in the month, the AP reported a man in Omaha, Nebraska attempted to calm his hyper active pet cat by putting him in a homemade bong.  Although I am not a cat person, I do find it rather obnoxious to do that to a pet…or would that be noxious?

*I blogged about the faux Borneo Monster on 2/20/09 and guess what?  It’s a fake!  Who knew?

*When I was younger, it seemed I always found a away to break a finger or some other bone during the middle of March.  I have always wondered if that soothsayer in Julius Caesar was actually talking to me.

More missives soon, kids.  Beware the Ides of March!


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