TIME Magazine, the IRS Scandal and the Jews

Sleaze Culture

The Antioch Review first said those immortal words now bouncing off the walls of every gin mill, cocktail lounge, boardroom and living room in the country if not the world: print is dead.  It turns out those Midwestern hippies had a point.

The number of Americans who read a print newspaper daily has dropped 18% in the past decade to 23%.  Even those who got their news from television dropped 13% to 55%.  The growing segment for news and information is, not shockingly, the Internet; growing 15% in the past decade.

Of course, when a segment of the market grows, so does competition for the consumers trafficking said segment of the market.  Indeed, websites, blogs and news carriers are always looking for underserved communities in an attempt to gain their dollars.

However, no one has really figured out how to make a buck from ad sales in traditional newspapers and magazines on the Internet.  Even a stalwart such as TIME Magazine (through its parent company TIME Inc.) had to cut 500 of its 8,000 worldwide staff due to declining ad sales.

Just what are the old graying Dreadnaughts of the 20th Century supposed to do?  Perhaps TIME Magazine has found a way to pull in some of these dollars from underserved communities.

Here is the blurb found underneath the Google link to the TIME Magazine link to a story on the current IRS scandal:

(MORE: The Taxman Cometh: New IRS Scandal Echoes a Long  all got a free pass from the zionist (Steve Miller, jewish) conrtolled IRS.


When in doubt, appeal to the anti-Semitic community.  After all, no one has ever lost money promulgating hating the Jews.

Ironically enough, I found this headline shortly after I stopped laughing at TIME grasping for straws:

State Dept. reports rise in ant-Semitism, special envoy named.




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