The Conspiracy Surrounding The 300th Magic Bullet Theory Facebook Page ‘Like’

The Magic Bullet Theory

The Magic Bullet Theory Facebook fan page hit 300 ‘Likes’ earlier this afternoon.  According to my friend Liz Georges, the person who was our 300 ‘Like’ may not have been a fan but a culprit.

 Terry Tocantins shared it with his friends, and the “like” ricocheted off of a random election posting about how the Romney Family plans to rig the voting booths in Ohio, and then landed on Alex Zola‘s wall. Now, this is the “single Like” theory. Which should not be confused with Oliver Stone’s assertions that the “Like” is actually some sort of NSA conspiracy to justify our entrance into the Vietnam War. Or maybe it this is all just a hallucination brought on by all that absinthe I drank last weekend…

Is that how it really happened?  Are the Yalie’s, the Texan and the International Sock Syndicate really after us?  There’s only one-way to find out: come see the Magic Bullet Theory at the legendary Matrix Theater in Los Angeles, California.  Opening night is this Thursday November 8 at 8pm.  (Click here to like our event page.)  You can order tickets by clicking here.

We hope to see you there gang before Terry and I are once again shuttled to a secure undisclosed public house.

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