The Steve Fisher Half Point Move Theory Redux

The Best Of  The Zola System

(For what it’s worth, this year I took the Giants and the points.)

Yesterdays post brought several questions from various Zola System readers (including the one and only Sreeny) about one topic: the Steve Fisher Half Point Move Theory.Apparently, I neglected to explain the system properly.

My apologies.

The Steve Fisher Half Point Move Theory is brought to you from the irrepressible Steve Fisher, the once and future great bartender from the Cajun Restaurant in Chelsea.The theory states if the line moves half a point in the last three days before any given NFL game (or in the week before the Super Bowl), the bettor should go the other way i.e. take the underdog and the points.

I hope this clears up any and all confusion.

By the way, after dancing in a circle and tossing chicken bones at 5:30am, my Steelers pick has been verified by the spirit of Bronko Nagurski himself.


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