74 Days Until The Premier Of The Magic Bullet Theory

The Magic Bullet Theory

There are various reports circulating on the Internet claiming Fidel Castro has died.  If true, the country has finally lost the Huckleberry that has bothered us since the late 1950’s.  If not, the bearded Pinko who may have ordered the Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy is still breathing.

But did Castro really have anything to do with the murder of JFK that fateful November day in 1963 or was the CIA, military and Mob in the mood to play the blame game?  Will we ever know the truth?

74 short days from now, Sacred Fools Theatre will present the true story behind the president’s assassination: The Magic Bullet Theory, written by your occasionally intrepid blogger and Terry Tocantins.

Yes, we have to the dirt on Castro and his place in the Dealey Plaza hit.  So come by and find the truth behind the Conspiracy to kill a Kennedy.


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